Saturday, August 25, 2018

August 5, 2018 - Galapagos Cruise: Floreana Island

Today, our ship arrived at Floreana Island early in the morning.  The first part of the tour was zodiac ride in the Baroness Cove where we had a breathtaking views of Floreana Island. At there, we saw a lot of blue-footed boobies, seals and flamingos.   
Then, we did a wet landing at Post Office Bay.  It was a beach time for just walking on the beach, playing around the beach or snorkeling in the beach area.  We saw stingrays trying to swim to the shore. Some of us snorkeled around to see wonderful fishes and turtles.
We all signed up for the kayaking in the Baroness Cove.  It was an exciting experience of kayaking in the ocean.  For a short 45 minutes, we all tried hard and had a great time.
In the afternoon, there is an option of doing deep sea snorkeling or glass bottom boat around Champion Islet. Tony was the only one chose to snorkel and others chose to do the  glass bottom boat ride.  The water was a little bit choppy, and Tony had to just jump into the ocean from the zodiac.  However, it was a wonderful experience of seeing so many fishes and many ocean wildlifes.  After seeing so many fishes, Tony was trying to take photos for memories.  However, the waterproof case of the iPhone did not work well. It was sort of stuck at slow-motion mode, therefore, Tony only got one slow-motion video clip for the memory.
Later, we did another wet landing at around Punta Cormorant.  Right after we landed, we saw a couple of blue-footed boobies on the beach sand dunes and we did the usual thing of taking a lot of photos.  
Then, we walked to a brackish-water lagoon and saw flamingos.  It was quite a distance for photo taking, however, we tried a few shots.
Then, we walked to a white sand beach on the other side to enjoy the tranquility of this wonderful spot.  This concluded our Galapagos Expectation.

After dinner, we saw a lot of sharks just swimming next to our ship and it was a tremendous sight for all of us.  Then we learned that our ship's lighting attracts fishes swimming next to us which in turn attracts a lot of sharks coming for their food.

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